Civic Center
Point Reyes
Corte Madera
Marin City
South Novato
California Room
Stinson Beach

Friends of the Novato Libraries
What We Do
Your Friends of the Novato Libraries provide support and funding for the myriad of programs our talented library staff offer to the public and for library improvement projects:
The Summer Learning Program for children and youth, enjoyed by over 4,900 children in Novato.
Year round programs for young people, including STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) activities
Adult programs such as art docent talks, Marin Master Gardeners, and programs for Seniors
Spanish services
Benches for the atrium and front of the library
Carpeting and blinds for the community room
Trees for South Novato Library

Board of Directors and Meetings
Co-Presidents –Linda Abernathey and Ginny Schultz
Secretary –Kathy Bremer
Treasurer – Martha Downs
Library Leaves Correspondent -- Gail Jackson
County Friends Representative -- Carol Teller
At Large Board Members ---- Sheila Rokeach and Gee Gee Lang
We meet on the second Wednesday of each month (except July, August, and December) at 5 pm at either the Novato Library or the South Novato Library.
Volunteer Opportunities
Assist at programs and events
Help with membership, artwork, and more.
Contact us: For more information, to join/donate, to volunteer, to find out when next Board meeting is, call or email Ginny Schultz at 415 883 5488 or virginia_schultz@hotmail.com.